One-Day Workshop, Solomons, MD

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When: Sunday, Sept. 22, 2024
Where: 14624 Solomons Island Road South, Solomons, MD, 20688
Your Host: Gwyn Novak
  • Total payment
  • 1xMini-SHARPEN One-Day Workshop - Solomons, MD$200

All prices in USD

Know how to create consistent income after only one day.
Finally, create a growth plan that actually works
Stop spinning in circles and get out of your own way.
Immerse yourself with supportive business owners and stop feeling so alone.

Following our annual SHARPEN 2024 Workshop, we received many emails from those who could not attend for various reasons. Many of you wrote that you wanted to participate in SHARPEN but weren't in a position to step away from your families and businesses for a 3-day event.

We listened because what you tell us matters. The week after SHARPEN, we met as a team to review all the feedback and put a plan in motion to bring a Mini-SHARPEN to your neck of the woods.
